How to motivate people

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Decided to put interesting thoughts that i am reading in different places for myself into a special section called “Good stuff library”

1.   Analytical types want to know that a project is valuable, and that their work makes a difference to its success. They need a leader who excels in a particular area, and whose expertise they believe benefits the group. They prefer compensation that is commensurate with their contribution. If they have done a tremendous amount of work on their own, don’t expect them to be happy if you reward the whole team.

2.   People who are “structural” by nature want to know their work aids the company’s progress. They prefer a leader who is organized, competent, and good with details. They like to be rewarded in writing, in a timely manner, in a way specific to the task. An encouraging email is appropriate to communicate with them.

3.   Social people want to feel personally valued, and that what they are doing has an impact on a project. They go the extra mile for a leader who expresses faith in their abilities. They prefer to be rewarded in person with a gesture that is from the heart. If your own preference is for written communication, send a handwritten note to a particularly social employee.

4.   Innovative employees must buy into a cause. To them, the big picture matters more than the individual who is leading the charge. They prefer to be rewarded with something unconventional and imaginative, and would find a whimsical token of your esteem very meaningful.

5.   Quiet staffers don’t need a lot of fanfare, but they appreciate private, one-on-one encouragement.

6.   Expressive people feel more motivated when assignments are openly discussed and an open door is available. They like public recognition, with pomp, and ceremony.

7.   Peacekeepers hope everyone will move in the same direction. They’ll never demand a reward or recognition, so it’s up to you to offer it.

8.   Hard-drivers are independent thinkers. If they agree with you, they’ll be highly motivated. They will let you know what they’d like as an extrinsic reward, and they tend to want whatever it is right away.

9.   Those who are focused team members must have confidence in the leader and in the project, or their motivation may falter. They want know up front what kind of reward they can expect. Make sure you follow through on whatever is promised.

10.   Flexible people go along with the team, as long as a project does not contradict their morals or beliefs. They’re also happy with any kind of recognition.


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Tao Te Ching

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I’ve recently read one interesting book (short version) called “Tao Te Ching” a modern interpretation of Lao Tzu perpetrated by Ron Hogan. Download link is below.

Decided to take out some quotes which i found very valuable for myslef. And this is how i interpreted them:

„Stop wanting stuff;
it keeps you from seeing what’s real. When you want stuff,
all you see are things.“

In a lot of management and business books we read that to be successful as a company or a person we need higher purposem enjoy by doing the task itself. But there is always strong desire to fall back and focus on „stuff“, companies are compared by furniture, size of the office, free goods, …

„The Masters get the job done without moving a muscle
and get their point across without saying a word.“

It‘s much easier to work a lot rather than stop for a while and think a bit: „Do we really need this feature?“, „How can we improve that?“, „Why are we doing this?“

“When you act without expectations, you can accomplish great things. If that’s not possible, go to Plan B:
Be simple. Be real.
Do your work as best you can.
Don’t think about what you get for it. Stay focused. Get rid of all your crap.”

Nothing to add here. Straight to the point. You are working not for the manager, but to do great things.

“You can go far
if you don’t have anything to carry. The more you acquire,
the less you can really see.”

If you work because of material things, it is going to be very difficult to accept new challenges. It will be too scary to lose things in case of a mistake.

“Learn how to stand still
if you want to go places.
Get on your knees
if you want to stand tall.
If you want wisdom,
empty your mind.
If you want the world,
renounce your riches.
Push yourself until you’re exhausted, and then you’ll find your strength.”

Only challenges, experiments, real problems, mistakes can help you grow and learn. That’s why we must challenge ourselves and always question existing things.

“Do what you have to do,
not for your own benefit,
but because it needs to be done. And don’t do it the way
you think it should be done,
do it the way it needs to be done.”

Sometimes I always want to cut corners in order to achieve results faster, but afterwards lack of preparation or patience always strike back.

What are your thoughts?

p.s. you can download book here. i found the e-book free to download.

Management and motivation

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The best thing management can do is to create an environment which supports flow. Daniel Pink, author of the bestselling book “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” proposed three areas this environment should focus on:

Autonomy: If you trust your people regarding work (Theory Y), than give them enough space so that they can balance their skills with their challenges.

Mastery: With autonomy, you’ll release energy within your people which they in turn use to master their skills and become even better and better at work.

Purpose: To direct the released energy, create a strong purpose (aka vision) which guides everyone in your organisation.

And all the rest will be handled by people themselves, no management is needed.